Red Sea North - Reefs&Wrecks

28th March – 4th April 2025, Red Sea (Egypt)

Reefs&Wrecks Itinerary

One of the best routes of the Red Sea full of wrecks, coral reefs and stunning marine life of all sizes and colors!

Are you passionate about diving and want to live the experience of a liveaboard in Egypt with us? Sign up for this adventure and discover the incredible depths of the Red Sea with a lot of cool people! 🤿

¿What is exactly a “Liveaboard”?

A liveaboard is, as its name indicates, a trip in which everything is lived and done on a boat; In our case, diving, sleeping and eating (a lot!), basically.

There are different types of liveaboards all over the world, and they are a perfect option for lovers of diving, surfing or any other aquatic modality who want to have a more complete and authentic experience and, of course, and in our case, dive in remote places. where you couldn’t reach on a day trip.

📅 Trip Dates

The liveaboard is scheduled for the dates of March 28th and April 4th, and we may add a few days before or after with some activity in the area!

IMPORTANT: We go onboard on March 28th during the afternoon (between 2:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. the next day) and on April 4th we leave the boat around 9:30 a.m. (Remember that at least 24 hours must pass to fly after the dives).

This trip starts from Hurghada port. 

🧭 The Itinerary

This itinerary presents the best of both worlds, where you visit famous wrecks in the northern Red Sea along with some stunning reef diving.

The famous horseshoe shaped reef of Shaab El Erg is a perfect example of the reefs on offer on this cruise with its beautiful hard coral garden and the chance to see dolphins. Abu Nuhas has four well-known wrecks: Giannis D, Carnatic, the Chrisoula K (’tile wreck’) and the Kimon M (‘lentil wreck’), all offering spectacular dives and plenty of fish life. In between wreck dives you will also visit the reefs of the Straits of Gubal, Gulf of Suez and those to the north of Hurghada. A variety of deep walls and hard coral gardens with an abundance of reef fish make them well worth a visit.

Night dives can be superb as Gubal Island offers protected anchoring for the night. A small wreck at 8-10 metres makes for a spectacular night dive with lionfish, scorpion fish and its resident giant moray eel as well as the wreck of the Ulysses. Next onto the Kingston lying at Shag Rock, the Carina lying close to Sha’ab Ali and the Dunraven at Beacon Rock. 🐠🐡🦈🐙🐟

Ras Mohamed lies on the southernmost tip of the Sinai and is one of the best kept National Parks in Egypt with waters full of nutrients, steep walls going down to a depth of 1000 metres attracting a large amount of big fish and earning itself a reputation as one of the top diving areas in the world. Whilst here, you may have the chance to dive at Shark Reef, a sheer wall falling into the blue, as well as the wreck of the Yolanda.

The main diving spots will be the following: Abu Nuhas, Straits of Gubal, SS Thistlegorm, Ras Mohamed, Straits of Tiran and Ulysses among others

This itinerary requires at least having an Open Water course (there is no minimum number of dives), although for some other diving you may not be able to go down more than 18m if you do not have higher qualifications such as Advanced Open Water course (which you can do on board if you want!).

🚢 Our Boat

One of the most important aspects for a liveaboard to go well and to fully enjoy it is that the place where we “live” for a week is comfortable and functional.

In our case, we will have the Emperor Superior for ourselves, a 37-meter-long super-boat and one of the best in the fleet that, in addition, was fully refurbished in 2022 (so we will have it practically brand new!!) 😍

The boat is ready to accommodate up to 26 divers in very comfortable rooms, with air conditioning and everything you need to feel comfortable and rest after the dives. The main floor has a large dining room where meals are served, and on the upper floor a living room where dive briefings are held and where there are sofas, books, documentaries, etc. At the bottom are the rooms and on the upper terrace there is a bar with tables and a gigantic deck with sun loungers where you can sunbathe or have a good snooze.

Regarding the meals and service, it’s just amazing; The menus are abundant and different every day, and the staff is always attentive, smiling and helping you with whatever you need (even putting on your wetsuit or putting on your fins!).

💸 Budget and Prices

The final price for this trip on these dates is 1.390€ all included for standard cabin (subject to cabin availability).

* Rooms on the main and upper deck (with large windows and views) have a supplement of €100/person.
** The superior suite (with large windows and panoramic views) has a supplement of €150/person.
***The single room has a supplement of €150/person.

You can see all the cabin upgrades options and details here.


⭐ What’s included and what’s not?

    • Included: diets + drinks (breakfast/lunch/dinner), room + bed linen/towels, 18/21 guided dives + tanks (free Nitrox included) and transfers to/from the nearest airports in Hurghada or Marsa Alam*.
    • Not included: flights, insurance, diving equipment (can be rented**), alcoholic beverages (although they include wine with dinners and we can make a boat to buy beers in advance!) and tips.
    * Transfers will be organized according to the arrival of travelers. As a general rule, one transfer is included from Hurghada airport and another from Marsa Alam airport at 18:00 on the day of embarkation and at 9:30 on the day of disembarkation. Private transfers at different times have an additional cost.
    ** Renting the complete equipment costs 206€ (mask, fins, regulator, BCD, neoprene, SMB and computer). You can see all the rental prices here.

☝️ Booking term & conditions

Booking period: from April 10th to June 15th 2025. The reservation payment (20%) must be made at the time of confirming the booking, while the rest of the amount to confirm the place will have to be paid before June 15th.

All reservations will be paid by transfer to an account that we have created for the trip and from which we will transfer everything to the company (0.7% fee applies for international transfer).

As places are limited, we will give priority to the first emails that arrive and we will confirm and choose cabins in that order!

If you are interested in the trip, write to us on Instagram or send an email to and we will answer all the doubts and questions you have!

Bookings are open, join this trip!

What do our travelers say?

Ha sido un viaje increíble!!!! Mi primer vida a bordo y cuando ya acababa estaba pensando en el siguiente que iba a hacer!!! La acogida perfecta, nos han cuidado muchísimo, la comida IMPRESIONANTE. Y los buceos lo más! Cada uno era distinto al anterior, y los momentos con la gente con la que hemos compartido los 7 días en el barco (tripulación, instructores, buceadores, cocineros) me los llevo en el recuerdo y para repetir la experiencia con todos ellos! Empezando por el año que viene, que volveremos seguro☺️☺️ no os lo penséis y animaros!!!!!
arturo hernandez (arturoman8)
arturo hernandez (arturoman8)
Una experiencia inolvidable con muchas comodidades y una atención de 10!
Laia Tripiana
Laia Tripiana
Segundo año repitiendo y seguro que vendrán más! Increíble la semana que vivimos en la ruta centro y con gente espectacular. Longimanus no solo organiza el vida bordo, hace que sea una experiencia inolvidable! Ha sido un placer vivir el Mar Rojo en manos de la tripulación, superrr divertidos, profesionales y la comida excelente!
Paula Ordoñez
Paula Ordoñez
Una experiencia increíble! Lo recomiendo 100%. Hice la ruta centro del mar rojo en semana santa 2024. Hubo una unión muy bonita entre todos los buceadores, muchas risas y los buceos sin palabras: Tiburones, nudis, delfines, arrecife, tortugas, manta y hasta un dugongo!!! Con este viaje he ganado amigos y muchos recuerdos. Gracias Kike por todo, por la gestión previa del viaje y por la convivencia en el barco. Repetiremos!
Marc Ballbé
Marc Ballbé
Experiencia genial en la ruta centro del Mar Rojo. Ambiente top con todos los buceadores, los guías y la tripulación del barco. Muy buena organización por parte de Kike que consigue generar super buen rollo durante todo el viaje. Repito seguro! 🤩
María H
María H
Mi primer vida a bordo ha sido una experiencia increíble por la ruta centro del Mar Rojo gracias a Longimanus trips. Los puntos de buceo, el barco y sus instalaciones de 10. La tripulación no ha podido ser más amable y atenta con nosotros. Por otro lado el ambiente y unión de grupo ha sido muy guay. Agradecer a Kike su disponibilidad en cualquier momento y ante cualquier duda, el buen rollo que nos ha transmitido y sobre todo haber hecho posible este viaje. Repetiré seguro!
Jaume Desesilles
Jaume Desesilles
Segundo año ya, y con ganas del tercero. Cuanto más buceo más me gusta este mundo y que mejor poder hacerlo con la mejor compañia y buen rollo que uno encuentra en Longimanus Trips. Buen precio, todo preparado, atencion 24/7 y muchas risas. Que más se puede pedir?
Fernando Tornos
Fernando Tornos
Had a blast diving with Longimanus Trips! The vibes - both on the boat and underwater - were amazing, and the staff of the boat was super friendly & professional, making the adventure truly unforgettable. Highly recommended for anyone seeking an amazing underwater adventure in a young and easy-going atmosphere
Xabier Fabà Gabarroca
Xabier Fabà Gabarroca
Los vidabordo de buceo de Longimanus son de otro mundo. He tenido la oportunidad de ir con ellos a la ruta DFE en el Mar Rojo ahora en semana santa 2024, y nos lo hemos pasado fenomenal. El barco era gigante, la tripulación encantadora y los guías de buceo muy muy cracks. Pero si algo marca la diferencia es el grupo y la filosofia, Longimanus consigue sacar el mejor buen rollo de cada uno, para convertir el vidabordo en una experiencia que va más allá de un simple viaje de buceo. Repetiremos sin duda, ¡un abrazo Kike!
Marina B
Marina B
Una experiencia increïble que recomiendo a todos los amantes del buceo. Grandes momentos con grandes personas i un equipazo

Why travel with Longimanus Trips?

In case you still have any doubts, here you have 5 reasons why you should join one of our liveaboards!

1. You will live an incredible week diving and enjoying the Red Sea, on a comfortable boat with awesome service and food

2. You will meet cool people really passionate about diving and traveling.

3. You will improve your diving technique and knowledge about the ocean, and you can also do the advanced open water course on board!

4. You will enjoy spectacular sunrises and sunsets, as well as nights full of stars and the peace of living on a boat.

5. You will have a great time and we will have some beers in Egypt after many dives!

We love to

Book this trip!

If you want to book this trip or need more information about it, fill out this form. Don't be left wanting!

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